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The treatment taking Hollywood by storm.

Forma is a painless skin tightening treatment that utilizes radio-frequency technology to provide optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of your skin. By targeting fat cells in your dermal layer, with a precise applicator head contouring to even the most stubborn of your face or neck areas, Forma effectively stimulates the formation of new collagen and improves your body’s natural skin plumping mechanism.

Forma aids with overall skin improvement including skin smoothness and firmness and helps you glow!

      How It Works

      Forma™ is the first auto – adjusting, non – invasive, thermal skin treatment for deep and uniform tissue stimulation using radio – frequency power that flows uniformly between the electrodes to provide a comfortable thermal experience with immediate and subsequent contraction. There is no downtime in this effective “lunch – time” procedure and you’ll leave with tighter skin that will make you look years younger!

      Who Is This Treatment Recommended For?

      Forma is suitable for all skin types and is appropriate for individuals seeking a non-invasive and a natural looking approach to skin tightening. Patients have reported that their skin feels tighter and more defined, with a reduction in wrinkles.

      Can I Combine Them with Other Treatments?

      Yes! Combination therapies yield some of the most remarkable results. Your Medical Aesthetician will guide you as to the best combination treatments for your skin concerns.

      What Areas Can Be Treated?

      The most commonly treated areas on the face include: forehead, crows feet, upper eyelids, lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, jowls, smile lines, and neck. On the body, popular treatments consist of the arms (bat wings), abdomen, and other areas that may need contraction.

      Is There Downtime?

      There is no downtime with Forma for the most part. Some patients can experience mild redness post-treatment that subsides on its own within hours. It is completely reasonable to have Forma done on your lunch break and go back to work looking refreshed and glowing! This treatment is ideal if you are in need of a quick pick-me-up or refresher the day before or even the day of an event.

      How Often Should I Do This Treatment?

      As a quick pick-me-up or for a natural glow right before an event, Forma is a relaxing facial to do just once. For an intensive treatment plan, Forma is recommended to do once weekly for 6-8 weeks. Once your treatment protocol is complete, maintenance can be done every 1-3 months.

      Post-Care Recommendations:

      Always wear sunscreen with SPF30 or higher following a treatment (even in the winter months). Do not apply make-up for at least 4 hours. Do not exfoliate for a minimum 48 hours after treatment. Other specified instructions will be given at appointment.

      Book your consultation to see how Forma can have you looking your best, or ask us how you can protect your most visible asset, and keep your skin clear and beautiful with at-home skin care recommendations. Contact us now.